Exciting News about the Future of TheyFit

Hi there,

Thank you for your years of enthusiasm and love for TheyFit Condoms! As we continue to find ways to bring perfect fit condoms to more people across the world, we have some exciting updates to share with you. 

As you may have heard, Karex, the largest condom manufacturer in the world, has purchased TheyFit Condoms. Global Protection Corp is Karex’s subsidiary and will manage TheyFit moving forward. Global Protection is also the parent company of ONE® Condoms, an innovative brand that infuses art and engagement to spark conversations about safer sex.  

For the time being, TheyFit will continue to be in existing packaging and branding. Global Protection Corp will be rebranding the product to align with the ONE® Condoms brand under the name myONE® Perfect Fit condoms by the end of 2016. For now, there will be no changes to how you order your TheyFit condoms.

As the plans develop, we will keep you informed of any changes. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments in the meantime, we would love to hear them. Thank you!

Contact Milla Impola at Global Protection Corp.

Contact us at TheyFit

Click here to read the press release for more information. 

About Global Protection Corp:

For nearly three decades, the team at Global Protection Corp. has been dedicated to helping people have pleasurable, positive experiences with condoms. The mission is to make condoms as socially acceptable as toothpaste and safer sex as second nature as wearing a seat belt. 

In 2004, Global Protection Corp launched the ONE® Condoms brand—with the goal to start condom conversations and increase condom use by making condoms fun, interesting and artistic. Since then, ONE has engaged people through condom wrapper Design Contests, Condom Fashion shows and more. The team works with thousands of artists across the globe, including New York City Street Artists and the Tom of Finland Foundation, as well as hundreds of health organizations in the U.S. and beyond.

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