Introducing myONE®

As you may have heard by now, Karex, the world's largest condom maker, has purchased TheyFit Condoms and the product will be rebranded as myONE® Perfect Fit Condoms.

MyONE® has officially launched in the United States, and we're finally ready to bring the product to Europe. Over the next few months, TheyFit condoms will be rebranded as myONE® Perfect Fit, and the web site will be updated to reflect the change. 

Some customers will notice the change immediately, and your next order will include myONE product. For others, it may take a little longer while we continue to sell TheyFit inventory. We expect that all orders will start to receive the new product at some point this winter. 

Although the packaging and product name may change, the product inside the wrappers is the same, and you'll be able to order condoms using the same size code you've been using for TheyFit.

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, we would love to hear from you. 


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